Saturday, April 10, 2010

Smells like summer...

All is well in my casa tonight. Kids are sound asleep. Hubby is at his brother's. And it sounds like peace in here. crickets. The past couple days have been filled with fun, excitement, and chaotic running around like chickens with our heads cut off loving life all the while. Aiden's t-ball game was a great success, rolled up pant legs and all. The boy is much more interested in his apparel and making sure that he looks the part then actually playing the part. sigh. None the less, there is probably nothing much cuter/funnier than watching a group of 5 year-old boys attempt to pay attention for an hour.

  (Can you pick out which one is mine? Hint: pant legs.)

   And the girls loved watching the bubba out there. Proud little mommas those two.

And if t-ball goodness wasn't enough, there was also soccer goodness. Oh how I love Saturdays in the spring and fall when every Saturday we all pack up and go to soccer games. Soccer has a little special place in my heart, I think. Yeah. It does. Here's to many more years of watching my kids kick, throw & bat eachother. :)
 And one last bit of excitement...tomorrow is the first LAKE trip of the summer! YAYYAYAY! Although it's quite possible that it will be ungodly cold, I will probably never even get near the water and just lay around lazy and a totally worthless waste of space on the boat. Heaven.
P.S- If you're wondering if there's ever a moment when the girls aren't eating/drinking something, the answer is no. Little tanks.

Have a wonderful Sunday!!! xoxoxoxo

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