Sunday, June 21, 2015

To the Kisser of Boo-Boo's

My kids will never know the pain of watching their daddy drive away. They will never press their faces against cold windows with clenched fists and wet faces watching their kisser of boo-boo’s drive out of sight like I did. I believe that with all of my heart. Their daddy is a man who lives up to the title “dad” with every ounce of his being. He was by my side when our beautiful babies were born and oh, how he looked into their faces and took their tiny bodies in his strong arms and loved them from the moment they took their first breath with a fierce, fatherly love.  For ten years now he has been there for every goal scored, every tackle made and every run that was slid across home plate. He was by my side as we watched our girls dance to Taylor Swift in the talent show and he cried because he was so proud that our babies were brave enough to be on that big-ole stage in front of all those people. He was by my side in the doctor’s office the day they told us there was no more heartbeat, and then he was by my side when we found out God blessed us again, with a third, and final daughter.

Our children will know no greater love than that of their daddy. He is the leader and provider of our home, the reader of bedtime stories, the maker of killer mac-n-cheese, and the kisser of boo-boo's. We admire him to the moon and back.

Thank you, Chase, for being ours and loving us so good. There’s no one else I’d rather have by my side for what's next in our story. Thank you for giving us a home full of love and laughter, and thank you for making us feel safe. Being a parent isn’t easy. Like you said, "it’s the greatest and saddest job a person could have”....rocking your babies, changing dirty diapers, driving to practices, breaking up fights, pushing swings, breaking up fights, reading stories, loving them, building them up, and then they’re grown and you're sending them on their way. They’re lucky to have an example like you to fall back on when they’re out there in the big ole world.

We love you.

Happy Father’s Day.

1 comment:

  1. Elena, what a beautiful tribute to chase. He is all of the above. I'm so glad that
    God answered my prayer and gave you awesome committed husband that Loves you and loves his family with all his heart. I can rest knowing that he will always take the very best care of you and the kids. He just might Love you as much as I do..wait a minute.....check back in about 50 years. Love Mom
